Saturday, November 1, 2014

Nothing like being kicked while you're down....

This week was one of the most challenging weeks of my life. Seriously. I wouldn't have told you that I stressed. I don't even think I understand stress. But all indications tell me I was stressed and exhausted. Towards the end of this week I literally thought I was going to stop functioning, that I couldn't keep going.  

It was during these two days that I was the most challenged by temptation I have ever been, and yet turned to God more than I ever have. There is nothing in the World like being kicked when you are down. It is no surprise that Satan will jump every chance he gets to sneak in and attack. My defenses were low, I was physically and mentally exhausted. Seriously I still can't figure out why I was so stressed and exhausted. But non the less Satan saw his opportunity and attacked like I have never been attacked before. There are no words to describe the feeling of helplessness to sin yet total and utter dependence on God. 

I have never before felt that way, yet I would go there gain in a heart beat to feel the faith and reliance on God that I had in those so short, yet so long days this week.  

Later in the week I was talking with a friend who read me Colossians 1:29 "For this I toil, struggling with all his energy that he powerfully works within me." It is God's energy, it is God's power. It is truly a humbling experience to come before God with nothing left and ask for help. There was nothing left for me to give and in His grace He was merciful to me. He gave me the energy and power to fight temptation, to flee from sin.  

The blessings have truly continued to flow. I am astounded at how He chooses to bless me. I don't deserve any of it, but I am so grateful for it.  

I stand amazed. 

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