Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Iron sharpens Iron

It's great how life gives you options, sometimes both options are great, just depends which greatness you will be blessed with.

Today I chose to meet a friend for coffee instead of hit the gym. This is just what the doctor ordered. Today was no day out of the ordinary, we meet up often to catch up on life and of course enjoy Starbucks. She is one of those friends that you can share anything with, like that time I wrote incontinence instead of inconvenience to directors at work, or the fact that sometimes I think eggs are dairy are things I can share with her and we laugh. But she is also the friend that I can text when I am really struggling and she will be my prayer warrior.

We share our typical week in a nutshell, the craziness of life. But I think one of the things I love most is that we are able to encourage each other spiritually. I love that we are able to challenge each other's thinking, share those light bulb moments from the sermon, and relate how we are growing to what we are learning with our church family.

We sat for literally hours today most of the time spent examining the life that surrounds us and how that relates biblically. Area's we see room for improvement, area's that we are so greatly blessed by. It was the overwhelming consensus today that we are immensely blessed by our Church family. We have a pastor that is diligent in preaching the Word, there are ladies willing to invest in our lives (men too, but thinking of Titus 2), there are young ladies that we can invest in that we can share life with, a worship leader that hits the nail on the head every week (it is all I can do to contain my excitement when we sit through a song) the list seriously goes on. WE ARE BLESSED, so if you are church family and reading you are truly a blessing!

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This past week in the sermon pastor asked us to get real with our sin. Repentance of sin isn't oh hey so I kind of thought a bad thought today, but repentance to God and being real with each other should be more like, I am a wicked sinner who saw this lady at the store today and I judged her because she wore black with navy blue. (Yes I am that person that does not like black and navy blue!) Don't sugar coat your sin, sin is sin. So next I am planning to share the real me, the messed up sinner who is no doubt wicked. I am humbled, humiliated, and excited all the same to share. The wickedness of my heart will truly be shown (humbling/humiliating), but the chains of thinking sin should be kept hidden as if I don't sin and the need to display some mask of perfect Christianity will be gone. I am a wicked sinner that loves my Lord and savior. I need grace daily. It is about time I fess up to the reality of sin in my life and start specifically repenting! I am thankful that I will have accountability in this journey. I am most of all thankful that I have a God that has shown me grace in times I don't deserve it, love when I am hateful, persistence when I rebel, desires me even when I don't desire Him, and most of all GOD HAS SAVED ME FROM MY SINS, all to Him I owe.

Last time I referred to the struggle of sin as a pipe.... lets just say I think I have found a few more leaks I was previously ignoring...

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