Monday, March 28, 2011

Daily Devotional Journal

So in one of my classes we have to do a daily devotional journal. I was so excited when I heard that we had to do this, because I am not good with keeping up with my devotions or God time. So now that I have to do it for a class I am being held responsible. My teacher gave us an outline of what we had to do for the journal, clearly there is no one way to do it, however for her class she does require us to do it this way. So I wanted to share with you the journal technic that I use in her class. This has been such an amazing way to study the Bible and I love it, I hope that you too might use this and love just as much.

1. In a short paragraph write your thoughts and heart for the day.
2. Pray asking God for cleansing and guidance for that day.
3. Chose a book of the Bible to study.
4. Select a short book or passage.
5. Start with one or two verses, preferably an entire paragraph.
6. Select something practical for today.
7. I receommend Psalms, Proverbs or New Testament
8. Start at chapter one; verse one
9. REad it as if you've never heard it before. Don't assume you know the meaning of any of the words.
10. Whever you come to a key word, use your Bible to do a cross reference and study the word as found in other portions in Scripture. Serach until you find the word closest to the contesxt you are studying.
11. Write out the verse in your own words, drawing from the context of the scriptures you've looked up.
12. Return to the short paragraph you wrote. What has God said to you concerning those thoughts? Realize what is happening in your life right now has a purpose.
13. End by writing out a closing paragraph explaining God's wisdom for you that day.
14. On a 3x5 card write that vrese down to take with you through the day. Refer to it throughout the day.

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